Introducing the Calculator Builder WordPress plugin – the ultimate WordPress plugin that allows you to create online calculators for any calculation. You can also add style to your calculator and customize it the way you want. Calculator Builder is a great plugin to have awesome and easy-to-use calculators. It has powerful tools to create an intuitive calculator and to use them for different purposes. Display any type of calculator on your website to make it more engaging and user-friendly, such as health and financial ones. The Calculator Builder plugin provides you with elements such as checkboxes, radio buttons, numbers, and dropdowns. It has an amazing set of features that will help you create the online calculator you want very quickly and effectively.
Key Features
- Intuitive interface – the Calculator Builder plugin has a very intuitive interface and is very engaging. You can create a calculator that perfectly matches your website design, and is highly customizable.
- Easy to use – another important feature of the Calculator Builder WordPress plugin is that it is super easy to use. With its well-designed interface and structure, you can easily understand how to create calculators even if you are not a developer and don’t have coding skills. However, complex calculators will still require JavaScript skills.
- Unlimited items to use for calculators – Calculator Builder provides you with unlimited items to include in your individual calculator. This is also a great feature as not many calculator builders provide you with lots of items.
- User-friendly – Sometimes different types of calculators can look confusing, for instance, Financial Calculators. can look confusing. Many users pay attention to the user-friendly aspect of calculators. The Calculator Builder plugin provides you with a great user experience as it is made to make the calculation process easier and quicker.
- Highly customizable – CalcHub extension helps you to easily design the calculator the way you want. This will help you to brand your website by making the calculator an inseparable part of it.
- Live builder – Լive builder allows you to see the calculator created. This will save you time during the process of creation.
- Usage of Vanilla JS: without using the jQuery library
- Export/Import tool – Calculator Builder allows you to export and import calculator data
- Field types such as “Title”, “Separator”, “Spacer”, “Textarea”, and “Input”
Use Cases
1 Finance calculators
Do you write a blog? Own a car dealership? Or are otherwise involved in financial services? Then you should consider adding the Calculator Builder plugin to your website which will easily carry out financial calculations and ease the processes concerning any aspect of your finances.
You can do the following types of financial calculations:
- Mortgage Calculator
- Credit card minimum payment
- Loan amount
- Interest rate
- Loan monthly payment
- And more!
2 Health calculators
Do you own sports, diet, or health websites? Are you involved in health-related services? If yes, then you should start using the Calculator Builder WordPress plugin as a health-related calculator to make your work easier.
Examples online calculators
The calculator elements of WordPress Calculator Builder include the following:
- Radio Button
- Dropdown
- Checkbox
- Number
- Textarea
- Date
- Time
- Range
Field Types
Number – a control used for numbers. When supported, it shows a spinner and applies to default validation. Some devices with dynamic keypads show a numeric keypad.
Select – the select element depicts a control with a menu of choices
Radio – set the title and select a single value from multiple choices with the same name value –
Checkbox – select single values
Number and Select – insert Number and Select fields, set the title, choose the addon and write the preferred value
Buttons – write the title, and then set the “Calculate” and “Reset” buttons
Result – set the field containing the outcome. It is a read-only field.
Title – set the title without fields. You can control size and wight of the font;
Separator – add the separator to the calculator form as a line
Spacer – add space between fieldset
Textarea – add textarea to the form
Input – you can use the next type of the field: Text, Email, Date, DateTime, Month, Time, Week
Range – a slider or dial control.
Comparison and Conditional Formula – if(){}, else , if(){}, Else{}, >=, <=, ==, &&, ||
Math Static Properties – Math.E, Math.LN2, Math.LN10, Math.LOG2E, Math.LOG10E, Math.PI, Math.SQRT1_2, Math.SQRT2
Math Static Methods – Math.pow(), Math.sqrt(), Math.ceil(), Math.round(), Math.random(), Math.max(), Math.min(), Math.log(), Math.abs(), Math.acos(), Math.asin(), Math.atan(), Math.atan2(), Math.cos(), Math.exp(), Math.sin(), Math.tan(), Math.trunc()
How to Get Started with the WordPress Calculator Builder plugin
PRO Features
- Customize the calculator for each individual calculator.
- Add the button likes and calculation counter to your calculators and you’ll be able to track it easily.
- Easily add an online calculator print button as well as a copy URL button.
- Integration WordPress plugin Contact Form 7 with Calculator Builder. Easily send the calculator result by email.
Find your Bundle of the Calculators
To calculate the result, you must use the variables in the Formula field
- Variable x[] – the variable is used for the field that takes part in the calculation
Variable y[] – variable for displaying the result
y[1] = x[1] + x[2];
y[1] = x[1] – x[2];
y[1] = x[1] * x[2];
y[1] = x[1] / x[2];
Formula with additional variables
You can use the additional variables in the formula field for to facilitate writing the formula and displaying the result.
For Example, Formula Monthly payment for Loan:
let r = x[2] / 1200;
let A = x[1];
let N = x[3];
let result = ( r * A ) / ( 1 - Math.pow((1+r), -N));
y[1] = roundVal(result, 2);
roundVal(val, decimals) – function for rounding a number. The first parameter (val) is the number to be rounded, and the second parameter (decimals) is the number of numbers after the decimal point.
Conditional formula
You can use complex structures to calculate the results.
the ability to use the following comparison operators:
- < less
- > more
- == equal
For Example:
if( x[1] < 100 ) {
y[1] = x[2] * 2;
} else if ( x[1] < 200 ) {
y[1] = x[2] * 3;
} else {
y[1] = x[2] * 4;
If you have any questions concerning the plugin ask us at the WordPress forum.
Option 1
* Go to the WordPress dashboard
* Click “Add New” in the “Plugins” section
* Type the plugin name ‘Calculator Builder’ in the search line
* Find the plugin and activate
Option 2
* Download the ZIP file of the Calculator Builder
* Go to the “Plugins” section of the WordPress dashboard
* Upload the ZIP file
* Activate the “Calculator Builder” Plugin
* Build the calculator
* Click save
* Copy and Paste the shortcode of the calculator where you want it to be
* If you want it to appear everywhere on your site, you can insert it for example in your header.php
, like this: <?php echo do_shortcode('[Calculator id=1]');?>
ਯੋਗਦਾਨੀ ਤੇ ਵਿਕਾਸਕਾਰ
“Calculator Builder – Create an Online Calculator” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
ਯੋਗਦਾਨੀ“Calculator Builder – Create an Online Calculator” ਦਾ ਆਪਣੀ ਭਾਸ਼ਾ ਵਿੱਚ ਅਨੁਵਾਦ ਕਰੋ।
ਵਿਕਾਸ ਕਾਰਜ ਵਿੱਚ ਰੁਚੀ ਰੱਖਦੇ ਹੋ?
Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.
- Fixed: minor bug with include pages
- Fixed: main icon in the admin menu.
- Fixed: minor bugs
- Update: translate file
- Fixed: minor bug with saving the calculator
- Added: Add the field ‘Time with seconds’
- Added: Value to the field ‘Range’
- Fixed: problem with create the table in database.
- Fixed: don’t uncheck the option ‘Calculate when the parameters are changed’
- Fixed: dynamic property for PHP 8.2
- Added: option ‘Perform the calculation only when the button is clicked.’
- Fixed: small issue with shortcode
- Changed: links to calculators
- Fixed: minor bug in page-list
- Added: function for alert for error calculation read more
- Added: submit button in the bottom of the form
- Added: type ‘required’ for fields: Text, Textarea
- Added: option ‘Hide fields of results when changing calculator parameters’
- Optimized: builder script & style
- Fixed: minor bug with create variables
- Changed: the data table fields type from text to LONGTEXT
- Added: possibility resize the form in admin
- Fixed: the radio field was omitted in variable field[]
- Fixed: checkbox value was sting. Change on number.
- Fixed: checkbox value get when the checkbox checked, other = 0;
- Added: includes JS and CSS files
- Added: support RTL
- Added: minification script and style
- Added: option for calculation when form load
- Added: variables: fieldset, label, field
- Added: custom functions: hide, show, addClass, removeClass
- Added: button ‘New’ in page created the calculator
- Changed: create calculator without the button ‘Calculate’
- Fixed: selected current tag in filter
- Fixed: item count in List table
- Fixed: Obfuscation function
- Fixed: saving parameters in database
- Fixed: show calculator on page, custom post
- Added: New Fields type: Textarea and Input
- Added: new types to Result: HTML block and textarea
- Added: tag for calculator
- Added: function for copy shortcode
- Improvement: plugin admin style
- Fixed: function roundVal
- Fixed: minor bug
- Fixed: builder options ‘addon’ and ‘required’
- Fixed: minor bug
- Added: option ‘obfuscation’;
- Added: the ability to add more than one calculator per page
- Improvement: the work of scripts on the page
- Added: New fields: Title, Separator
- Added: function for Export/Import calculators
- Added: Documentation page
- Added: Changelog page
- Fixed: saving calculators with conditional symbols
- Updated: file for translate .po
- Added: link to the Documantation
- Initial release