ਪਲੱਗਇਨ ਦਾ ਟੈਗ: sermon
Sermon Manager
(40 total ratings)Add audio and video sermons, manage speakers, series, and more to your church website.
Church Content – Sermons, Events and More
(49 total ratings)Provides an interface for managing sermons, events, people and locations. A compatible theme is required for presenting content from these church-cent …
Advanced Sermons
(21 total ratings)Elevate your church's digital outreach with audio/video sermons, organized speakers, and series management.
SermonAudio Widgets
(3 total ratings)Customizable plugin to show sermons from your SermonAudio account on your Wordpress page.
(0 total ratings)Upload sermons to your church’s website as a podcast and include them, in a table, on any of your pages.
Church Sermon Video List
(1 total ratings)An easy way for a church to list there sermon videos on their website.